Making Your Brand Stand Out

Creating videos to showcase your brand is an excellent way to engage your audience visually and emotionally. We will tailor your videos to your target audience and platform preferences.

Whether you’re sharing them on your website, social media channels, or through email campaigns, we make sure that they align with your overall brand message and objectives.

How can video achieve this for your brand?

There is a huge range of video content which can be produced to showcase your brand. Click the titles below to find out more about the various ways we can make your brand stand out with a VideoGig video.

I will produce a video that tells the story behind your brand The video shares why you started the business, your mission, and values. and helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Showcases your products or services in action. Highlights their features, benefits, and how they solve a problem or meet a need for your customers.

We film satisfied customers sharing their experiences with your brand. Authentic testimonials build trust and credibility, helping potential customers feel more confident about choosing your products or services.

We take viewers behind the scenes of your business and show them your office, production process, or introduce them to your team. This humanises your brand and fosters a sense of transparency.

A video of interviews with industry experts, influencers, or members of your team. Alternatively, you host Q&A sessions where you answer common questions from your audience.

We edit and produce your customers’ own videos using your products or services. You can then feature this content on your website or social media channels, showcasing real-world usage and satisfaction.

If your brand participates in or hosts events, we can capture the highlights on video. This could include trade shows, product launches, or community initiatives.

Videos that educate your audience about topics related to your industry or niche. This could include how-to guides, tips and tricks, or informational content that adds value to your viewers’ lives.

See how Hughenden showcased their school through video.

I worked in collaboration with Danny Higgins at Smiles at School Photography to produce a video for Hughenden Primary School to feature within their website and social media pages as part of their media strategy to attract new students.